Juliana (1270 - 1341) Falconieri, Virgin, was the foundress of the Order of Mantellate (named so on account of the short mantle they wore) and the head of the Order of Servites.
Throughout her adult life, twice each week her only food was the Blessed Sacrament, and at the age of 71, after having not been able to take any food whatsoever, asked that the Host she could no longer receive be held near her heart. It was, and it disappeared, leaving on her flesh an imprint of a host bearing the image of Jesus Crucified.
She is a patron of bodily ills and sick people.
Saints Gervase & Protase are the sons of Saints Vitalis and Valeria, and are the proto-martyrs of the city of Milan.
Martyred (beheaded) under Nero, their bodies were discovered by Saint Ambrose in 386, and were placed in the church Ambrose built and which bears his name.
May we follow the holy examples of these saints, by receiving the most holy Sacrament of the Altar with the regularity of Juliana, and by enduring whatever need be experienced for the greater glory of Almighty God - even unto death.