IN order to level things out and add ground cover, etcetera, we need to "boost up" the brick steps in our Memorial Rose Garden with another level of bricks. That means 130 new bricks, and we need your help in this work.
Will you help by contributing to the "Brick Fund?" The cost for the bricks will be approximately $400.00. We'll keep you posted on how we are coming, insofar as contributions are concerned, and when we've the full amount "in hand," the brick will be purchased and the work begun!
God has truly blessed us with the most beautiful church AND setting in Northern Arizona. Please help us in this worthwhile cause, and our beautiful church will get more lovely as her days increase!!!
As a special incentive, if you purchase ten bricks for thirty-five dollars, we'll "throw in" a case (24 pack) of our Saint Luke's Purified (Almost Holy!) Water for FREE!
You can use the "Special Offering" envelopes found at the back of the Church for your Brick Fund contributions... and your case of water can be picked up on any Sunday after mass.
So far, one person has already contributed, and is enjoying the delectable taste of both participating in this work AND the water!
Doesn't it just make you thirsty?