He prunes, waters and cares for the rose bushes in our memorial garden, and when he's done, he rakes the place up, so that there really isn't any evidence of his being in the garden - except for the lovely flowers, of course.
I have come to know him pretty well, and he tells me that he receives a sense of peace through his work with the roses.
He always seems to have a smile on his face, as if the work he is doing benefits not only himself, but also others - those who are lucky enough to wander into our courtyard and see the roses.
We don't pay him for doing the work - he does it out of pure, unadulterated christian charity.
And that's the way it is for most all of our parishioners. Our members don't have a "What am I going to get out of the church?" attitude; rather, it's a "How can I help the Church do more for God's glory?"
And we thank God for giving us that insight!
The next time you're at the church, say a prayer of thanksgiving for the work of not only the sunrise gardener, but for all who willingly give of themselves for God's greater glory in Saint Luke's parish.