We've a plethora of activities scheduled for Sunday, and here are the more important ones -
1. The Dedication of the Madonna & Child Shrine.
Kevin and Adam de Szendeffy are now done with their work on Artist Robert Lobdell's Mary Shrine, which they did as their Eagle Scout Project. It's truly another gem in the crown of Saint Luke's Parish, adding to the uniqueness of our mission and ministry to those who pass by and subsequently visit us! (Note: Mr. Lobdell passed away on Thursday, December 9, 2010. Pray for the repose of his soul, and for his family in their sorrow - especially his wife, Jo. Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord. And may light perpetual shine upon him. Amen.)
2. The Baptism of Arabella Marie DuBois-Cotter.
Arabella is the daughter of Caroline DuBois and Kim Cotter. Born on April 21, 2010, Arabella will be baptized during the 10am Family Mass. Her mother Caroline was baptized by me years ago, and it is always an honour to continue the sacerdotal ministry to the next generation!
3. The Confirmation of Kay Lynn Carrizoza.
Kay Lynn's mother Anna was both baptized and confirmed through our ministry in years past. Again, another blessing for us all!
4. The Commemoration of the 99th Birthday of Shirley DuBois.
Shirley was born on December 9, 1911, and is the "eldest" of our congregation. She is deep in the heart of all who have been blessed to be her friend! A special Cake, Song and prayer will mark her birthday in "Her Church!"
5. A special "Y'all Come" shoutout to our long distance parishioners.
This goes to our parishioners and friends from the Phoenix and Flagstaff areas. It's a "once a month" encouragement to gather for Mass, and we anticipate seeing folk from Flagstaff, Glendale, Carefree, Surprise and the surrounding towns gathering together.
It's always interesting, isn't it, to see the folk who drive such a distance to attend the Masses at Saint Luke's Church! You are ALL a blessing to us, you know!
6. Finally, this is for all of us associated with St Luke's:
If you've been lax in attendance in the past, it's time to come back to Church... and there's no better time to do that than this Sunday, as God's forgiveness and grace flows freely to those who gather in His Name in His house of prayer and worship.
See you in His Church, and please, don't forget: Sunday is also Food Ingathering Sunday! (And for those who are interested here's the link for Sunday's Bulletin.)