Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sunday's Crossword & Wordsearch Puzzles!

You don't need to go to the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times for a crossword puzzle anymore...

Instead, come here to the blog, as we are posting weekly wordsearch and crossword puzzles on the Sunday Mass propers every Saturday morning!

They are based not only on the Sunday mass propers of the BCP (Collect, Epistle & Gospel) but rather add materials as noted in the Anglican Missal. Therefore the Introit, Gradual, Offertory, Secret, Communion & Post Communion prayers are also used. In that way we've more to work with, eh?

So if you've a copy of the People's Anglican Missal, you're good to go - this week's propers are for the 8th Sunday after Trinity. If you don't have a People's Missal, print out the propers as posted HERE, and have fun with the puzzles! Here they are:

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