Thursday, June 25, 2009

C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity

It's always good to have a substantial reading regimen - something that we do every day - and Summer is a very good time, indeed, to begin anew in such an endeavor.

Beginning on July 1st, I will be studying/re-reading C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity." Will you join me? If so, pick up a copy of the book, and we'll read - actually listen to - it together.

And we'll do that via a very great resource on the internet - the book is presented via an audio adaptation being read by Jeffrey Howard!

Each day we'll listen to one of the readings, of which there are thirty-five. It will be a commitment of around 15 minutes each day, but will be more than worth it!

For now, pick up a "hard copy" of Mere Christianity, and get ready to learn from a very witty and gifted person - C.S. Lewis.

More details next week - for now, here's a link where you can get the book via Amazon - Mere Christianity