Monday, June 01, 2009

It's been almost a year...

On June 11, 2008 we posted our first video on YouTube. 

It was a montage called "Building A Church For God's Glory in Sedona AZ (1987 - 2007)" and showed the beginnings of our parish - the building of the church, etcetera.  

Here's that first video:

As of today, we have 65 videos posted, most of which are meditations based upon the propers (collects, epistles & gospels) as noted in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, pages 90 - 269.

What started out as "simple and small" has blossomed into something far beyond our expectations - more than 20,000 viewings of the videos have taken place, with folk from all parts of the world visiting and watching the videos.

For that we thank God and give Him all the glory, AND look forward to an ever-increasing internet presence in the future for both our parish and diocese.

And as a bit of a teaser...  we are working on another vehicle of "electronic evangelism,"  the likes of which we would not have dreamed of a year ago!

This new endeavor will be unveiled this Summer... so, as they say, "Stay tuned!"

Regarding our YouTube presence, if you would like to see the whole list of the videos that are posted, they are found HERE.