Monday, March 16, 2009

4th Sunday in Lent: Rose, Refreshment, Mothering or Laetare Sunday?

Next Sunday we celebrate what has become known as "Refreshment,"  "Rose," "Mothering" or "Laetare" Sunday.

The day will be marked by a special sermon, unique vestments and a flowered Altar.

Calling the day "Refreshment Sunday" refers to Jesus' miraculous feeding of the 5,000, as noted in the day's gospel reading from John.

The title "Rose Sunday" emphasizes the one Sunday return of Altar flowers - specifically roses - and also the special vestments that are worn for the day - a light rose-coloured fiddleback chasuble, used only two times during the Church year - on this Sunday and the 3rd Sunday of Advent.  

"Mothering Sunday" is a term used oftentimes in the Church of England, and refers to the epistle reading for the day.

The "Laetare Sunday" designation comes from the first words (in Latin) of the Introit, as is found in the Anglican Missal and used at Saint Luke's.  (Click HERE for an inclusive definition of Laetare Sunday, as found in the Catholic Encyclopedia.)

Sunday's sermon will examine both the epistle and gospel, and continues our Lenten examination of the deadly sins and their "opposite" virtues, to which we are all drawn.

In your preparation, be sure the read the propers before coming to mass, and try to figure out how they address your life, and what you face each day.  Also ponder where the deadly sins tempt you in life, and how you are doing with replacing the sins with their corresponding virtues. Use this examination approach not only with the Sunday mass propers, but the daily readings for Morning and Evening Prayer.  

As a way of reminder, here's the list....

Envy/Brotherly Love

Here is next Sunday's bulletin, with "hot" links to our website, daily readings, hymns, et al imbedded in the PDF.

Finally, don't forget that questions on each of the readings for morning and evening prayer are also contained in the Sunday Bulletins.