This weekend's scheduled concerts have been postponed due to the rain, flooding, and subsequent snowy weather in Sedona.
However, all is NOT lost, as we are in the process of rescheduling the concerts for the weekend of March 12 - 14.
That will be the weekend of the 4th Sunday in Lent, commonly called "Refreshment Sunday" - a day when the Lenten discipline is relaxed, both liturgically and personally.
So this particular "Refreshment" weekend will not only witness flowers returning to adorn the Altar on this Sunday (their absence throughout Lent is one of the "rigors"), but we'll even be refreshed musically...
How so? The two postponed concerts - "Tribute to the Music of Doris Day" and"Jazz Praise... Amazing Grace ala Take Five: Church Hymns & Jazz Standards Swingin' Together" - WILL return to both enliven our spirits and refresh our souls!!!
Now, THAT'S Refreshment!
The specific times and dates will be published within two weeks.
So what's the next regularly scheduled concert? Click the "Next Concerts" picture (above right) to find out about a really cool Valentine's Day concert!