Here's today's meditation...
Saints + Music + 1928 Book of Common Prayer + Daily Office Readings (1928 BCP)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Great things take time...
Although there are a few more things to be accomplished - a "boosted" tile roof, oiling of the wood and electrification - it is an absolutely stunning piece of work.
Thanks go to the artisans involved - Donna and Bob Baier of Baier Signs, who conceived the design and made the signboards, and Craig, Kris and Spenser Earl of Finish Line Construction Company, who created and erected the wood framing.
Because of their dedication and skilled work, we are no longer the-church-with-no-name, but rather the-Church-with-that-beautiful sign!!!!!
Running, Fighting & Working
This is last year's meditation video for Septuagesima Sunday, which is the liturgical designation for tomorrow - January 31, 2010. The new meditation will be posted Sunday morning.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Season of Pre-Lent begins Sunday

The season draws us slowly away from the festivities of both the Christmas and Epiphany seasons and into a more reflective and solemn approach to the faith, culminating with the beginning of Lent, which takes place this year on February 17.
The liturgical colour is purple. Flowers still adorn the altar, and the organ is played as usual in the liturgy, although the Gloria in excelsis is omitted in the mass, and a Tract (which will be printed in the bulletin) takes the place of the Alleluia and its verse after the gradual.
The Sunday names derive from the Latin, and hint at the approximate number of days left before Easter - Septuagesima (70th), Sexagesima (60th) and Quinquagesima (50th).
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Silver Lining
Yes, the parking lot was a sea of mud and goo.
Yes, we all were disappointed that Laura, Jim and Warren wouldn't be in our midst, entertaining and lifting us up musically with good vibes and great rhythm...
However, In the midst of life - when it's not all that "good" at first glance - there is always a silver lining to the cloudiness of our surroundings.
Such was the case with this weekend. Although the weather "pushed out" and precluded any concerts, there was a bit of beauty given.
The accompanying picture was taken yesterday, in the midst of the snow storm. It shows the gate to Saint Luke's Church, and the water streaming down the walkway towards the parking lot.
It is a kind of visible reminder of the "silver linings" of life, albeit this weekend's events are a bit of a mini life lesson: things don't happen on our timetable.
We may be "ready, willing and able," but circumstances can change what occurs.
Fear not! Things work out in time. And in reference to the postponed concerts, they will take place in March, and there's no doubt that they will be another high point in our Jazz Ministry and work for the Lord.
So let's thank God for the beauty of the earth, the changing winds of rain, sleet and snow, and then remember what is perhaps the most timely lesson of all... when events happen in life, look for the presence of God in it: that is, the good, the glorious.
He'll be there. He always is. Sometimes, however, we just "hang our head" and don't see Him.
Do you see Him in the picture? (click it with your cursor to make it larger.)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Weekend Concerts Postponed - really bad weather!

This weekend's scheduled concerts have been postponed due to the rain, flooding, and subsequent snowy weather in Sedona.
However, all is NOT lost, as we are in the process of rescheduling the concerts for the weekend of March 12 - 14.
That will be the weekend of the 4th Sunday in Lent, commonly called "Refreshment Sunday" - a day when the Lenten discipline is relaxed, both liturgically and personally.
So this particular "Refreshment" weekend will not only witness flowers returning to adorn the Altar on this Sunday (their absence throughout Lent is one of the "rigors"), but we'll even be refreshed musically...
How so? The two postponed concerts - "Tribute to the Music of Doris Day" and"Jazz Praise... Amazing Grace ala Take Five: Church Hymns & Jazz Standards Swingin' Together" - WILL return to both enliven our spirits and refresh our souls!!!
Now, THAT'S Refreshment!
The specific times and dates will be published within two weeks.
So what's the next regularly scheduled concert? Click the "Next Concerts" picture (above right) to find out about a really cool Valentine's Day concert!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
jazz Blog Posting
There's a new posting on the jazz blog about this weekend's concerts. Click the "Jazz Blog" link to the right and see what's happening, and be sure to get your tickets ahead of time... you can get them at the Church this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from noon 'til 3pm, or any time on the internet, by clicking on the "Next Concerts" picture to the right.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Musical Trinity arrives!

Here's the lineup of the two concerts:
~ 3 pm Saturday ~
"Tribute to the Music of Doris Day"
~ 3 pm Sunday ~
"Jazz Praise Concert"
Amazing Grace ala Take Five:
Church Hymns & Jazz Standards Swingin' Together!
For more information and tickets to the concerts, click the "NEXT CONCERTS" picture to the right and follow the links.
Can't attend? Buy some tickets anyway, and mark them for friends.
Don't have that close of friends, or are you out of town? Then just give a donation for the upcoming concerts!
Why? It's called "Supporting and Sharing the Faith!"
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
New Jazz Blog Posting

Jim, Laura Didier and Warren Jones will be with us "in concert" next Saturday and Sunday as part of our Jazz at the Church Concert series, so the video is a kind of "prelude" to their upcoming concerts.
For tickets to the concerts, click the "NEXT CONCERTS" picture to the right.
Can't attend? Buy some tickets anyway, and mark them for friends.
Don't have friends? Buy some & give them to acquaintances or strangers.
Why? It's called "Supporting and Sharing the Faith!"
Friday, January 15, 2010
"Grant Us Thy Peace"
This is last year's meditation video for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, which is the liturgical designation for Sunday - January 17, 2010. The new meditation will be posted Sunday morning.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New Jazz Blog Posting - Laura Didier

New Jazz Blog Posting - Warren Jones III

Warren will be playing with Jim Martinez and Laura Didier on the Jazz at the Church concerts on January 23 & 24, 2010. So, click HERE to read the new posting.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Jazz Blog Posting - Jim Martinez

Sunday, January 10, 2010
"Conformity & Transformation"
Here's today's meditation.
(& yes, it's Jim Martinez playing the music... get your tickets for the Doris Day Tribute & Jazz Praise concerts soon!!!)
Saturday, January 09, 2010
"A Glimpse of Jesus!" (1 Epiphany '09)
This is last year's meditation video for the 1st Sunday after the Epiphany, which is the liturgical designation for tomorrow - January 10, 2010. The new meditation will be posted tomorrow morning.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Our internet presence - now & in the future

- the parish blog -
That's the one you're reading now. It's been a very effective vehicle to disseminate information regarding our parish happenings, and has almost taken the place of the old, standard "hard copy" newsletter, although we do still send a few of them out via USPS.
- the jazz blog -
Then there's the other blog which we maintain, the Jazz at the Church blog, which has also proven invaluable in getting out the word of what's happening in this particular and unique ministry.
- -
This is our oldest and most stalwart internet presence, and here are some statistics from our web site for 2008 & 2009...
Site Visits in 2008 = 22,988
Site Visits in 2009 = 42,540
Pages Viewed in 2008 = 138,268
Pages Viewed in 2009 = 227,425
Then there's the videos we've posted on YouTube, which began in June of 2008. So far we have posted 98 videos, which have been viewed a total of 34,512 times.
Both and YouTube have been able to reach more people than we could have imagined when we began them. is a generalized ministry, while our YouTube site is memorialized in memory of Charles William Shipley, founding member of our parish, a great communicator in his own life, and a dear friend of many folk of our parish.
Both ministries are now supported in perpetuity, and we thank the donors for their support.
- new ministry to begin shortly? -
It is now time for us to expand our internet presence via the live streaming of the 8am Sunday Masses.
However, in order for this to begin, we need financial support, specifically for the purchase of both hardware (a server, camera, microphone, et al) and software (editing software, et al).
If you wish to contribute to this ministry, either as a memorialization for a Loved One or in thanksgiving for a particular event, talk with me soon, as the need is most certainly both evident and pressing!
Monday, January 04, 2010
Beloved, Let us love another, for love is of God - 1 John 4:7
THOU shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.
- page 69, 1928 Book of Common Prayer
Sunday, January 03, 2010
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