In sixteen days we'll have the Vicki McDermitt trio doing a concert at the church. It'll be a Sunset Concert, beginning at 4pm on Saturday, November 21. Making ready for the event, here's a bit about Vicki, taken from the Music Serving the Word website…
"Vicki McDermitt is a respected artist with a reputation for handling a broad variety of musical styles. Her career began at an early age, singing in church, and then moving early on into the jazz arena, where she has had the privilege of working with some of the country’s top musicians. Living in LA she worked as a session singer and was heavily involved in musical production work for television.
"In addition to her busy music and ministry schedule, Vicki also serves as staff vocalist at Mayo hospital where she offers “private in-room accapella” concerts to the most seriously ill. “I believe all musical sounds are created by God and should be performed in praise to Him”, says McDermitt. This belief and passion is evident wherever – and whenever – Vicki sings.
"Whether she is on a jazz concert stage, ministering at women’s conferences, singing in local church settings, or offering her voice to a patient who needs hope and assurance… people experience a quality of excellence that radiates warmth, love, joy and enthusiasm.
"'My calling is to use music to remind others of the relentless love of God,' Vicki says. 'The opening can be as subtle as a jazz ballad, or as direct as a hymn of the church. I’m always looking for an appropriate way to plant the reminder that no matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you’ve been, God is seeking you out for relationship. Music is the gift that breaks down walls and opens the heart to hear the words. The result is indescribable joy.'
"As a member of Music Serving the Word Ministries team, Vicki often performs with one of our ensembles, as well as offering individual jazz and/or gospel concerts, and other ministry venues."
Vicki's album - "Vick McDermitt: Jazz for the Soul" - is the background music for our jazz home page, so be sure to take a listen to the piece, "In the Wee Small Hours." And after you listen, think about who you'll bring with you to the concert, and then buy your tickets for this GREAT event and evening at Saint Luke's!!