Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"What's up" Holy Week & Easter?

If you want to know about what's happening this week and on Sunday, check out the Holy Week/Easter Day Newsletter. (PDF)

There's articles on everything from visitors to Easter lilies, and even an Easter homily for the 2nd Century bishop, Melito of Sardis.

Good "stuff" for godly people!!!

Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest, and we'll see you Sunday!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter's Flowering of the Cross

Each Easter Day we bring flowers with us to Church in order to adorn the courtyard cross.

Most churches use a smaller cross, and actually "cover" the cross with flowers that are usually inserted into chicken wire; however, as we have a wonderful courtyard cross, we've revised the event to simply bringing flowers and laying them at the foot of the Cross.

It's a great event on a joyous day, so be sure to bring a bouquet and participate in this Easter "liturgy" here at your parish Church, Saint Luke's!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Portico Hanging Flower Baskets

Want to memorialize someone, or give a special gift of thanksgiving for an event or loved one?

A new batch of hanging flower baskets are now available.

There are only six of them; however, if you are interested in giving a memorialization or thanksgiving in this way, call the Church office this week and let us know.

We will reserve a basket in your name, and your memorialization/thanksgiving will be noted in the Easter bulletin.

The baskets are the most lasting flower memorials we have - save the Rose Bushes, of course! - as they adorn the portico and church throughout the Summer and Fall seasons!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Four Things To Do This Week

From Passion Sunday's Video meditation ...

1. Get a Crucifix and put it somewhere in your home where you will see it every day, as a visible reminder of what it is to love as Christ loves.

2. Simplify your lifestyle. Accept the fact that you cannot do it all, so re-prioritize and do godly things first and foremost, and then if there's time, the other things.

3. Find a church that is unlocked during the week, and spend time in God's House, alone with the Alone. You don't have to talk to anybody. Just talk to God, and let God talk to you.

4. Pray daily and ask God to give you a more full and personal understanding of Christ's Passion, His suffer, and how His Passion becomes yours.

To love is to suffer. For now. To suffer for the sake of Christ is to take on His Passion and make it ours, in His Name.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meditation for Passion Sunday

This is the meditation for the 5th Sunday in Lent - the liturgical designation for March 21 - 27, 2010. It was created last year, and is the last of the "reruns" of these meditations, as New meditations will begin once again with the Palm Sunday video next Sunday!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Passiontide arrives Sunday

Passiontide is the name given to the last two weeks of Lent - from Passion Sunday to Holy Saturday. It gets its name from the fact that the Passion of Our Lord is naturally predominant during this time in the Church's thought and focus.

Crucifixes and crosses in the church are veiled in purple throughout Passiontide. The only exceptions to this are the crosses on the Stations of the Cross and the votive candle stand.

Veiling/covering is a sign of mourning, and the spirit of the Passiontide veiling hopefully encourages us to draw our attention from everything but Christ and His suffering. In short, the Church calls us to "consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners." (Hebrews 12:3)

The veiling is also a very powerful symbol of the hiding of our Lord's glory throughout His earthly life, and especially during His bitter passion.

Parishioners are encouraged to set aside this time for Christ, and to ensure the clearing of our calendars of things temporal, so that we can focus more fully on things spiritual, through prayer, worship, study of Holy Scripture.

Music (MP3) worth considering

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today's Saint (Mar 18): Cyril

Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, (C. 315-386) is best known for remaining steadfast in the faith in the face of the Arian heresy of his time, which denied the divinity of Christ. 

He was often persecuted and even banished from his Jerusalem see for his beliefs; however, nothing dissuaded him from preaching Christ fully divine and fully man.

We thank God for members of Christ's body who have boldly stood up for the Faith, no matter the cost to them personally, so that the Church of future generations would know the only true God, and Jesus Christ. 

Book Worth Considering

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Meditation for the 4th Sunday in Lent

This is the meditation for the 4th (Rose) Sunday in Lent for 2009. New meditations will begin once again in two weeks... on Palm Sunday (March 28).

Book Worth Considering

Friday, March 05, 2010

Things to do During Lent

Here's a meditation for Sunday's mass propers... for the 3rd Sunday in Lent. (New weekly meditations will begin anew on Palm Sunday)

Thursday, March 04, 2010

This Week's Questions for the Daily Office

Here's the link for the PDF for this week's questions on the daily office readings of Morning and Evening Prayer.

Today's Lessons - Thursday in 2 Lent

Morning Prayer
Genesis 29:1-13, 18-20 Jacob journeys to Laban's land, meets and falls in love with Rachel, agrees to stay with Laban for 7 years for Rachel's hand, and time flies by.
1 Corinthians 7:1-17 - Paul speaks of the relationship of man and woman, husband and wife.

Jeremiah 5:20-31 - Prophetic proclamations against a revolting and rebelilous heart, fake prophets and devious priests and people who "love to have it so."
John 11:17-27 - Jesus, Mary, Martha and the raising of Lazarus.