As Many folk already know, Bishop McMannes suffered a massive coronary on the feast of Saint Scholastica - February 10.
Spirited away "with angels on guard" to Flagstaff Medical Center and into the hands of Doctor Steven Peterson, Chief Surgeon & Director of Cardiovascular surgery at FMC, the Bishop has subsequently been let out of the hospital and is now in the midst of recuperation.
Until his return into our midst - which will be on Easter Sunday - only one Sunday service will take place each week: a 10 am Morning Prayer liturgy.
Also, no new video meditations will be done; however, last year's Videos will be posted both here and on the YouTube site.
In the meantime, keep praying for the Bishop’s recovery, and be sure to give thanks for the powerful healing ministry of Doctor Steven Peterson and hIs gifted team!
Miracles have always been a part of our history at Saint Luke's, and our Bishop's on-going healing is but the latest in a never-ending series of such events!