Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rose Bushes: Tiers and Feedings

If you've noticed, there's been some work done on the tiered section of the Rose Bush Garden. We are adding a stack of bricks to each tier, so as to both boost up and beautify the garden.

The first tier has been secured and put in place. We now have but three more tiers to do. If you would like to purchase a "tier-full" of bricks, let us know, and we'll buy the bricks and install them.

On another note, you may also have noticed that most of the bushes were a bit "fallow" for the last month or so. I am told it was because of the heat. I suppose that's true, but it was also from the bushes not being fed the nutrients we usually put on them every four weeks or so.

In this regard, we're a bit like the rose bushes, as we need to be fed systematically, also. Although the bushes have no choice but to wait to be fed, we humans have complete control over whether or not we're fed by the Sacraments of the Church, which enable us to grow spiritually in the Lord's grace and blessings.

How? By choosing to come to the Lord's Church on the Lord's Day. If we don't, at best we simply won't blossom, while at worst, we shrink, inevitably dry up and die, spiritually.

May that not occur to any of us. Especially since we have God's Lovely Garden called Saint Luke's through which we are fed, and subsequently blossom and flourish - all for His greater glory, of course!!

See you in His Church!